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The subject of the retreat will be the all-important and all-defining faculty of awareness, which is fundamental not only to yoga but also to our human existence.

What do we mean by awareness? For most people, awareness means mere knowledge. We often say, “I am aware of that,” meaning that we know something. In yoga it also means knowledge but it simultaneously means far more. Awareness in a general sense means to comprehend, to know, to feel what is happening around us. It also means to know what is happening within us. Most people comprehend very little of what is occurring around and within them. This is a low state of awareness.

                                                                                                    Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Swami Anandananda Saraswati, a direct disciple of Swami Satyananda and the head of the Satyananda Yoga ashram in Italy, gave a series of lectures on one of the most important aspects of yoga, awareness, at the Bihar School of Yoga in Munger, Bihar, in December 2022, and now he will illuminate this topic for the participants at the retreat of the Hungarian Yoga Association ashram in Szolad, drawing on his more than 50 years of experience as a yoga teacher and his thorough but easy-to-understand and charming style of presentation.

The daily routine of the retreat is based on the integrated practice of the branches of yoga used in Satyananda’s system of yoga. In addition to lectures and group work, there will be asana and pranayama practice, relaxation, meditation, mantra and karma yoga. The English-language sessions of the program will be available with Hungarian interpretation.

Hungarian Yoga Association, Szólád. Click here for a map.

Arrival, registration: Friday 23 June, 15-17 hrs.
Program starting: Friday 23 June, 6 pm
End of program: Sunday 25 June, 1:30 pm

How to register
1. Register by filling in the registration form. Go to the application form.
2. After registration, you will be informed by email that your application has been accepted.

Closing date for applications
25 May 2023.

Participants can contribute to the program according to their will and situation, i.e. there is no fixed participation fee. This opens the possibility for those who cannot contribute or can only afford to donate a small amount. And also for those who would like to support the participation of others with a higher amount. In case of surplus: it will be used for further donation programs or for the operation of the ashram and the yoga center in Budapest. We welcome everyone, thanks for all donations! For information: the self-cost of the program is 125 Euro  per person.

How to donate
There are two ways to make a donation. Payment by credit card before the programe or cash on arrival at the venue.

Accommodation – booking individually
Participants are welcome to camp free of charge in the Ashram during the program. This request must be indicated on the registration form.

Those wishing to stay in village accommodation must book their accommodation individually. Here is the list of accommodation available in the village.

Three meals a day are provided. The diet is vegetarian, consisting mainly of cereals, vegetables and fruit, with occasional milk, dairy products and oil-seeds. No animal-based ingredients are used; dairy products are optional and meals are suitable for lactose-free and vegan diets. For those who require gluten-free meals, rice and cooked vegetables are available for lunch and dinner, and gluten-free cereal dishes are available for breakfast. Please indicate your request in advance on the application form.
However, we are not able to cater for special requirements due to food intolerance, such as the composition of vegetables, fruits and spices, and participants are not allowed to bring their own food to the ashram. Therefore, please consider the above when applying for the program! Thank you!

Bring your own
Please be prepared to wear appropriate clothing in case of different weather conditions!
Comfortable clothes for yoga practice that cover your legs and shoulders,
Clothing for outdoor activities and gardening,
Yoga mat,
A sitting cushion, if necessary,
Blanket/light quilt for relaxation
Paper for taking notes, writing utensils,
Sunglasses, hat/straw hat
Water bottle,
Toiletries, preferably environmentally friendly, biodegradable detergents and cleaning products
Toilet paper

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